What's new at the crib...


Last updated: 2013.06.05

October 2008

Weird video of patched together drumming.

Made my first bullwhip

July 2007

Sound Sample PlayBack with a mega128

Here's yet another song I made with only sounds from my mouth (put some "boom" in it)

May 2006

the Rocket Bike!!

April 2006


Kentucky Christmas Tree Farm

Taylors sideLights

Evan and Taylor the Explorers

Awesome Coke Can Stove Evan and I make over Christmas

Cool Doghouse Evan and I made

Last year, I built a Surveillance System for BJ's apartment

Hotwired my Lawnmower

Car inspection Alarm Clock

Altoids Rocket Launcher

My Bullwhip

May 2005 Robotic Special Guest in Children’s Church!!!
Feb 2005

Doorbell Alarm Doorbell alarm kinda cool I guess

Christmas 2004 ENGAGED!!
Dec. 2004

Scanner...Somebody please buy this

Video me and Matt made (procrastinating)

Nov 2004 Homemade LampWhat a waste of time
Oct 2004 Check out the Meatwad Pumpkin that me an BJ made..

Also check out these Shirts we’ve been makin’

Added a Camping Page

July 2004
March 2004 Matchstick Rockets
Dec 2003 Hacking a NES controller